Proven economic gain
The Readunit team will assist you securely through the transformation, and our system interconnects with EXCEL. In addition, with all modesty, we are very good at reshuffling data!. Within about 14 days our staff can help propel your business into the modern age. In short, this is how long effective implementation takes.
You don´t have to be an IT-expert to be able to work with the system. Most users work in our app in which they perform continuous audits, as well as the testing and inspection of equipment. The visual user interface makes everyone feel secure when using the system already after a few hours. If you need any help, we are ready to assist you over the phone.

Statutory inspection
Electric hand tools and technical aids must be checked at regular intervals. This must be done according to the supplier’s instructions, or most often once a year. Most inspections must be carried out by an expert.

Service and maintenance
Companies in the various industries have a lot of equipment. It deals with different types of technical equipment, which are covered by different regulations depending on which country you are in.

Inspection of equipment
Hand tools, fire equipment, emergency and panic lighting, ventilation, lifting equipment, first aid equipment, ladders, scaffolding, lifts, PPE, machinery, gates, tricks and much more.

Service provider
Your customers have a great interest in all their equipment being inspected and ready for use. It is an area of interest that is growing strongly. Connect your customers closely and help them solve their challenges.

Management of containers
Work containers mostly contain a lot of equipment that must both be tested and inspected. Many companies find it difficult to keep track of what is in the container, where the individual container is located and whether the current equipment is approved for use.

With Readunit you can manage all lending of equipment. Who is the customer who borrowed/rented it, how long has it been out, who is responsible for the loaned item, when must it be tested and by who. In addition, it may become possible to see how many hours the equipment has been in use. Start/stop of lending can also be controlled from the app.

NFC / RFiD Chip
Not all equipment can/want to be marked with QR labels. It is therefore also possible, to mark equipment with both NCF and RFiD chips. These chips will be coded directly with the Readunit app, after which they are linked to your devices and can be read with our app for both iOS and Android. Watch this video

Competence matrix
Keeping track of training certificates for a company’s employees does not necessarily sound like a big task, but we have customers who handle more than 150 different courses for many employees. Imagine that in 30 seconds you can have collected and sent course certificates to your customer by email.
Watch this video: EN DE DK

If you have problems keeping track of where your equipment was last seen – Readunit has several options to help you with that. We can offer both GPS and KIN tracking of equipment and containers. It also allows you to read temperatures, set up GEO grids and much more. Our system interacts with both Trackunit and Trusted.

Power and hand tool checks
When working in the construction industry, you know how important it is that your tools function – every time. With our tool management system, you can keep up with power tool and hand tool inspections quickly and easily. Our system reminds you so you can spend more time creating value for your customers.

Tool management for checking ladders
When you’re working at height, it’s important that the ladder can withstand the load. That’s why it’s essential to have ladders inspected regularly. At READUNIT, we have developed a tool management system that makes it easier for you to comply with annual tool inspections. Our system gives you a reminder so that you can be sure that the ladder is reliable whatever the task.

Fall protection inspection
When building large and at height, it’s important that all fall protection equipment is safe. If the equipment is defective or old, it can have fatal consequences – both for the user and the company behind it. At READUNIT, we can help you keep track of the statutory fall protection inspection to avoid unforeseen incidents.

A safe lift every time
On a construction site, it’s essential that tools are checked and working properly – especially when it comes to lifting gear and lifting equipment. With the READUNIT system, we help you keep track of the inspection of your lifting equipment, ensuring that you can lift safely every time!

Chemical products
Get control of your chemistry and protect funds. You must always be able to document that your chemical substances comply with the chemical legislation. This means that you must always ensure that there is access to a range of information about chemicals, and you must be able to document that the product has been assessed in accordance with relevant legislation. Readunit can help you.

Safety must be taken seriously
Work and production safety is more in focus now than ever before. This focus will in fact not decrease in the future. Most companies have a financial management system and probably also a CRM system, as they take a serious approach to finances and their clients. If you want to take safety seriously, then you must avoid keeping track of safety data using loose sheets and Excel. This is what we are experts in and want to help you with.